Rice is an important food grain and commercial cereal in Kenya. Rice consumption in Kenya is increasing at a rate of 10% yearly due to urbanization, preferences and rising population. The Kenyan market alone currently has a rice deficit of 700000 metric tonnes valued at over $93,000,000 and currently has potential of about 540,000 ha irrigable and 1.0 m ha rainfed land for rice production.
Ifarm360 is taking this opportunity seriously and has partnered with large off-takers for the supply of rice. We are working with farmers in West Kano & Ahero Irrigation Schemes to grow rice to meet the demand and unlock this huge opportunity. Rice is a low cost crop and farm yields can be improved by 150% when proper farm methodology is applied. When you fund the project, you empower better production while earning promising returns. A farm unit is equivalent to 1/3 of an acre which represents a single smallholder farmer in the farming block.
Your investment covers:
As a farm investor we will provide you with regular updates on the progress of the project and we highly encourage farm visits by investors.
See our investor contract here
Investing at ifarm360 is very simple: